First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Emergency Contact Name, Relationship + Phone Number
What is your current occupation? How many hours do you work on average in a typical work week?
Have you done any yoga trainings in the past? YesNo
If yes, please share details of past trainings (dates, styles, etc.).
Why are you interested in participating in the Radiance Teacher Development Program?
What does your current yoga practice look like? How many times do you practice yoga asana weekly? Do you have a meditation practice?
Please share a little more about yourself. What are your interests? How do you spend your time?
How would you describe your current health? Is there anything we should be aware of concerning your health, mental state, current or past medical history, hospitalizations, or medications?
Do you have any conflicts with our scheduled TDP dates?
By clicking this box you are applying for the Teacher Development Program at Radiance Power Yoga. You acknowledge that your deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable. In the event that you are not accepted to the Teacher Development Program, we will issue a refund of your deposit. You acknowledge that you are fully committed to attending all scheduled sessions and commit to full participation and meeting all requirements for successful completion of this program. You are aware that any missed hours will result in a $50.00 per hour make-up fee, to not exceed 20 hours. You are aware that it is your responsibility to clearly communicate any need for a financial payment plan and understand that all payments must be made on time and tuition must be paid in full prior to the start of program (unless you have an agreed upon payment plan in place) to complete this program. You have fully read the description of the program, communicated any questions and agree to acquire any required texts.